Architecture Acts’s Residence Krkonosska was granted building permit. Project includes 24 residences with gardens, patios and terraces in Vrchlabi – the gateway to Krkonose Mountains
Architecture Acts’s Residence Krkonosska was granted building permit. Project includes 24 residences with gardens, patios and terraces in Vrchlabi – the gateway to Krkonose Mountains
Faculty of Architecture Czech Technical University in Prague 2021
Architecture Acts’ proposal awarded 1st prize in design-build competition for the Petra Kvitova Hall of Fame in Fulnek. The proposal was selected by the jury as the highest scoring design. From the jury’s comments: The design emphasizes social space. The jury awards maximum 100 points because the proposal is
Jiří Vejvoda: Katedrála nové doby V pondělí 3. srpna 2020 se v Domě kultury města Ostravy neboli DKMO uskutečnilo tiskové setkání s představiteli magistrátu, Janáčkovy filharmonie a zakladateli pražského studia Architecture Acts, které se Stevenem Hollem na projektu spolupracuje. Architekti Hana Petříková a Martin Kropáč zdůrazňovali právě fakt, že nejde „jen“ o
New view of the wine country, its stunning landscape, rolling hills, landmarks and above all, its endless wine yards.
with Steven Holl and Dimitra Tsachrelia Advanced Studio VI GSAPP Columbia University in New York
Faculty of Architecture Czech Technical University in Prague Fall 2020