No House should ever be on a hill or on anything. It should be of the hill. Belonging to it. Hill and house should live together each the happier for the other. Frank Lloyd Wright
No House should ever be on a hill or on anything. It should be of the hill. Belonging to it. Hill and house should live together each the happier for the other. Frank Lloyd Wright
A quick charrette with a creative team of architects, designers and artists to create out-of-the-ordinary dining experience in a new Prague center.
Water Palace maintains the existing social interactions and offers new unexpected encounters. It is an assemblage of autonomous elements composed as one continuous journey.
In the wine country, we designed a stunning monument atop a hill. It is not by height nor by size that this project becomes so prominent in the context.
City HallProkešovo náměstí 8, Ostrava August 15, 201718.00 Our awarded entry MSGRE SRAMKA will be exhibited at the Ostrava City Hall from August 15, 2017.
Porota se nad soutěžními návrhy sešla ve složení: primátor města Ostravy Tomáš Macura, radní města Lukáš Semerák, vedoucí odboru Útvaru hlavního architekta MMO Cyril Vltavský a dále nezávislí porotci – architekti Adam Gebrian, Tadeáš Goryczka, Ondřej Vysloužil a Martin Chválek. More info here
Presentation of our latest work in PraguePecha Kucha NightKino AeroBiskupcova 31Praha 3 November 23, 201620:20 link to event facebook pagelink to event website
Msgre Sramka has been awarded the second prize in a national competition. Jury’s remarks:Návrh vzbudil pozornost poroty svým výrazným výtvarným řešením, a pokusem podívat se na prostor okolo katedrály z širšího kontextu, kdy celé náměstí Msgre Šrámka je protkáno v dlažbě umístěnými ocelovými paprsky, které ideově spojují Katedrálu
Third of the successful series of workshops City X Disaster takes place in Bangkok.